A Rainy Day
It was a cloudy gloomy day here at the Homestead as you made your way through.You held your head low,as if your feet were intensely interesting,hurrying to get to shelter before those gray skies could produce the first drops of rain.You knew there was a small barnlike structure up ahead and that's where you were headed.It wasn't very big but had several stalls and usually had warm dry hay that you could rest in while you waited.
Just as you made it into the structure the first heavy drops began to fall.Without looking around you chose the first stall and with a sigh settled in to wait out the rain.
Several stalls down you heard a snuffling noise and started with surprise.You'd been here before and this place was always empty.Although the hay was fresh every time you'd ever been here,the place itself had always been empty.
Rising and taking a quick look around for a weapon...of which there was nothing suitable...you headed down to see what was making that noise.Carefully and as quietly as possible you tiptoed towards the stall the noise was coming from.Deciding a frontal assault was not the wisest thing you hurried into the stall next to the one that snuffling noise was coming from and prepared to look over the side.Just as you were about to look a small head popped up and you were eye to eye with a small but determined...not to add,a most colorful creature.
Stumbling back a bit in surprise...you managed to squeak a "Hello."
The small creature snorted and said "Sella Li stranger,I am Anatha'li're'Aman.My companions and I were taking a rest and heard you come in.Who are you?"
You introduced yourself to the small creature and moved closer to take a better look.The leader of the small band was as colorful as the rainbow.One of the creature's companions was the color of the a spring day...it's name was Aman'Yia'Anatha and the last...whose name was Flis'Gwinet.... was spotted and reminded you of a strawberry.All of them had horns and all appeared to be of the unicorn species just a bit more colorful.Well no matter....at least they were friendly and you had heard stories of the colorful unicorns that lived in the homestead.Since these guys were small,you assumed they still had a bit of growing to do.
You asked if you could join them...with a look at each other Anatha said yes and you settled down to wait with them.While you waited Anatha expained that they were paint unicorns and had come from The Silver Unicorn at Lady Darkmoon's request to live here.Anatha also explained that Anatha'li're'Aman translated into Magic of the Fairy in their language.....while Aman'Yia'Anatha was Fairy Moon Magic and Flis'Gwinet meant Golden Strawberry.You nodded thinking their names fit them.
All too soon the pleasant time you'd spent with these three ended as the rain stopped and you rose to head home.With a salute and promise to return to see them soon you made your way home.
Would you like to meet our new babies?
Well our babies have grown....and Boy have they grown!!!Two of them have even joined Charities!To check them out in their respective charities....click on the links in the stats.

Species:Paint Unicorn
Name Translation:Magic of the Fairy
Charity:Leuil Turran
Origin:The Silver Unicorn

Species:Paint Unicorn
Name Translation:Fairy Moon Magic
Origin:The Silver Unicorn

Species:Paint Unicorn
Name Translation:Golden Strawberry
Charity:Charity Li Re Ahtey Mirith
Birth Charity: Li'Anatha
Origin:The Silver Unicorn
You May return to The Unicorn's Glade or to Willow Moon Homestead.
Page contents made by LadyDarkmoon with PSP 7.04.Please do not remove anything from this page.